This is the Yawn scene that will start the animation. I altered this slightly so that the nose rose with the eyes and the open mouth did not touch it. I feel the eyes and mouth shape worked particularly well to generate a facial expression very similar to the one seen on the left.

This is where Terry takes a peek to see if he has awoken his intended target. As Terry is the villain of the piece I gave his eyes a more 'evil' look, by pointing them downwards and showing Terry peeking upwards he is short in stature with 'small clock' syndrome, looking up rather than Oscar does here.
Here I had trouble making Terry's mouth properly shut due to the challenges explained earlier with turbosmooth. I did feel however that this expression of mouth almost shows the same expression as Oscar - as close as I could manage. The FFD boxes on the eyes were manipulated to make them more 'scrunched' as in Oscar's image. With the movement of the body and also the bells I believe this will look similar to the human image.
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